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Wood Pellets And Pellet Maker

Due to climate change and our heavy dependence on fossil fuel, pellet maker market over these years has grown to the best energy alternatives. Pellet maker makes the fuel easier and cheaper to transport and store. Pellets also make combustion much more efficient. So how to make wood pellets? Wood pellets are produced by pellet maker, also known as a pellet maker machine. Pellets are formed by heat and compression during the pelletizing process. The pelleting process is not that simple as it may seems. Making a pellet is fairly straight forward; the true skill is been able to produce quality pellets at a high productivity with minimum energy consumption. It is possible to make pellets on a small or large scale. The advantages for large scale production as reduced costs per ton of pellets. However with large scale production there is always a certain amount of transportation involved which is also a cost.

Pellet Maker

Production with a small pellet maker will have a higher cost per ton, however will have lower transportation costs as the end user will generally be closer to the plant. Raw material and pellet transportation is often overlooked; however it is a crucial part of the process. The current wood pellet maker market has a lot of potential, and that potential is set to grow in the future with wood pellet maker. The wood takes on an appearance very similar to coal. The wood also has the ability to repel water, and has a very low moisture content. Also not smoke is produced during combustion. This ability to repel water is very important for the pellet maker. Pellets current naturally absorb water and expand; this is why pellet storage is so important. If the pellets did not absorb water any more this would make pellet storage much similar and much cheaper.