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Is It Good Making Homemade Briquette Press for Your Lawn

The 2013 has come and are you ready for shopping after the end of the world. AGICO would like to present to you the make homemade briquette-press, it is suitable for processing the wood waste from the garden and lawn, and turn them into fuels.

Homemade Briquette Press for You

Do you own a lawn by your house? And if you happen to be living in a place where the climate is not too cold, you should feel very lucky now, because you already own a steady growing free fuel resource of biomass-briquette. Grass is one of the plants that grows very fast in the world, the leaves are small and fiber rich, and it is much easier to dry than the other wood wastes. And for the lawn owners, it is not possible to leave the all the mowed grass in the lawn, someone argues that the mowed grass should stay in the lawn as fertilizer of the earth or the soil conditions will go bad, it is true when the soil in the lawn is already bad and you mowed too much of them. But the main point is you have to find the balance between the mowing and keeping the soil fertile.

If you are interested in the homemade briquette-press, you can contact us for a discount now!