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First-Rate Pelletizer Machine,Good Pelletizers

Learn To Judge the Quality of Pelletizer Machine

We all want to buy a first-rate pelletizer machine with attractive and reasonable price. But good pelletizers are not marked, how can I tell whether they are qualified? Is there any obvious signs I can reference to judge the quality of the pelletizer machines?
For most family, they are not specialist, they master little technical Knowledge, may be they just want to buy one to heat their house for the approaching winter. If you are one of them, you are lucky here! Now, as a leader of Chinese pelletizer machine manufacturer and supplier, we'll tell you what to do to point the best one out of hundreds pelletizers, so let's begin.
The moisture content of quality pellets should be less 10%. The structure of quality pellets are high-density, try the machine and test the pellets extracted like what we teach you below.
Get a glass of water, and then put the pellet products into the water to see they sink down or not. High-density pellets are certain to sink to the bottom of the glass. That is to say, float pellets are made by inferior pelletizer machine. Pellets with lower density, lower mechanical durability is more likely to broken during transportation.
Next, you should do a math problem. Find a container which can fill no less than 1L water, record both the weight of it with water filled and the weight when empty. Then fill the vessel with pellets extracted from the certain pelletizer machine, and record the weight with pellets in.
Deduct the weight empty container from the weight with pellets and water, and then divide the former weight by the latter weight. For quality pelletizers the result is between 0.6 and 07.kg/L, the result can also be called the specific gravity of pellets. Pellets with a specific gravity under 0.6 will break/crumble easily, so pelletizer machine producing pellets like this are inferior.