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Introduction of Home Wood Pellet Mill

Introduction of Home Wood Pellet Mill

Producing your own fuel pellets with a home wood pellet mill has a lot of appeal to some individuals. Owning your own home wood pellet mill can bring several advantages. First, you can produce your own fuel from the resources you have available to you. This maybe local sawdust, or even straws, grasses and even cardboard and paper. Producing your own fuel pellets cannot only bring a source of energy independence, it can also generate some additional income. Most small home wood pellet mills produce around 100 kilograms an hour. Since most homes only use between 3000 and 5000 kilograms in a year, even a small home wood pellet mill has the ability to produce much more than the owner would require. This brings some options, either the pellet mill could be a group purchase between an collection of pellet users, or one person could produce the pellets and sell the pellets back into the local area.